Lectionary: Pre-Order Discount

Orders of the new Lectionary are eligible for discount of up to 15%, depending on the other items in your order.

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Spiritual Sickness in Pursuit of Physical Health


At the threat of disease, we have abandoned everything. We are on lockdown. Is this how we react to the threat of spiritual sickness? Now is a time to take advantage of the lockdown by pursuing spiritual health. The doors of our churches may be closed, but Jesus still lives inside you. Will you seek him out?

A Catholic Response to Coronavirus


All around us, people are worried, upset and scared. But during this time of uncertainty, it's more important than ever that we be strong in our faith, and that we don't give in to a worldly, fearful way of looking at things.

Support Your Prayer Life in Isolation


The suspension of public Masses in the UK adds to the already strange new world we are currently confronted with since the coronavirus hit. We want to share with you how CTS is helping you stay on track spiritually during the pandemic.

The Unlikely Men Who Became Saints


The opium addict, the unfaithful priest, and the village hellraiser: three men venerated by the Church who prove that it's never too late - and the mess is never too big - to start again.