15% Off Summer Reads

This summer, enjoy 15% off* our recommended short reads, to help you take time out with the Lord. Offer ends 4th August 2024.

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The Heart’s Longing for Communion


When we recite the Nicene Creed, we say, "I believe in one holy, catholic and apostolic Church." What does this mean? James Matthew Wilson explores the theme of oneness, illustrating how what we most desire is communion with others.

How Heaven Brings Married Couples Together


“It is Heaven that has decided”. In this blog, unpack the fundamental truth about marriage found in the Book of Tobit. The beauty of God's plan for each married couple is reflected in the story of Tobias and Sarah, who were brought together by the angel Raphael. Discover what this means for your marriage, or for marriage preparation and catechesis, in this extract from "7 Words on Marriage".

Louis and Zélie Martin: A True Love Story


A young man and a young woman passed by one another on a French bridge. Each noticed the other and subsequently made enquiries as to who the other was. This chance encounter of Louis and Zelie Martin would lead not only to their youngest daughter becoming St Therese of Lisieux becoming one of the Church's most beloved saints, but also to their own canonisation, the first of a married couple together.

How John Bradburne Found His Calling Among the Lepers


When Servant of God John Bradburne encountered a leper camp in Zimbabwe a dire state, he looked on those living there with great love and desired to help them. It was a life not without stresses and strains, but after many years after wandering, he had finally found a beautiful vocation that filled him with awe and joy.

What did Jesus really say about eating His flesh? (Bishop Barron on John 6)


When Jesus told crowds following Him to eat His flesh and drink His blood, He lost a significant portion of His followers. In this blog, Bishop Robert Barron uncovers the meaning behind the Bread of Life discourse in John 6, analysing His words and their significance for Jews at the time. Ultimately, Bishop Barron reveals how Jesus' words offer unequivocal evidence that He wished to be taken literally, for His followers to literally consume His flesh and His blood. This passage is crucial for the Catholic Church's understanding of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

How to Separate “Fake News” and Truth in Catholic News


When you read scandalous or controversial headlines about the Catholic Church, it can be discouraging. However, there is no need to abandon the news. In this extract from "Reading the News Without Losing Your Faith", veteran journalist Christopher R. Altieri explains how to separate the "fake news" from the truth.