- “All of us need to rediscover the importance of the heart.” (2)
- “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” (4)
- “Instead of running after superficial satisfactions and playing a role for the benefit of others, we would do better to think about the really important questions in life.” (8)
- “In this ‘liquid’ world of ours, we need to start speaking once more about the heart and thinking about this place where every person, of every class and condition, creates a synthesis, where they encounter the radical source of their strengths, convictions, passions and decisions.” (9)
- “At the end of our lives, [the value of the heart] alone will matter.” (11)
- “The inmost core of reality is love.” (16)
- “In the heart of each person there is a mysterious connection between self-knowledge and openness to others.” (18)
- “The heart is also capable of unifying and harmonizing our personal history, which may seem hopelessly fragmented, yet is the place where everything can make sense.” (19)
- “Only the heart is capable of setting our other powers and passions, and our entire person, in a stance of reverence and loving obedience before the Lord.” (27)
- “The heart of Christ is ‘ecstasy’, openness, gift and encounter.” (28)
- “Only by letting God’s love work within us can we hope to heal the world’s imbalances, which ultimately begin in the human heart.” (29)
- “The Lord knows the fine science of the caress. In his compassion, God does not love us with words; he comes forth to meet us and, by his closeness, he shows us the depth of his tender love.” (36)
- “It is essential to realize that our relationship to the Person of Jesus Christ is one of friendship and adoration, drawn by the love represented under the image of his heart.” (49)
- “Whatever the image employed, it is clear that the living heart of Christ – not its representation – is the object of our worship.” (50)
- “In contemplating the heart of Jesus, we encounter not just a symbol but a relationship, one that calls us to trust, dialogue, and friendship.” (51)
- “Christ is the wounded stag, wounded when we fail to let ourselves be touched by his love.” (69)
- “The whole of the Christian life is like a great pilgrimage to the house of the Father.” (71)
- “The Holy Spirit at work in Christ’s human heart draws him unceasingly to the Father.” (76)
- “Christ’s heart invites us to return to the Father’s love, which is the source of every authentic love.” (77)
- “The heart of Jesus Christ embodies all God’s declarations of love present in the Scriptures.” (101)
20 Inspiring Quotes from Dilexit Nos
Pope Francis offers wisdom and inspiration for the Christian life by drawing from the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.