These most famous of the Reformation martyrs were also the first to be canonised. St John Fisher was one of King Henry VIII's most admired bishops, until he became the only English bishop who refused to deny the legality of the King's first marriage. St Thomas More was a father of four who became Lord Chancellor of England, until he too refused the King's demand. Both were beheaded on Tower Hill.
While awaiting his execution in the Tower of London, St Thomas More spent his last days writing this moving meditation in the margins of the Book of Hours. This inspiring prayer reveals the mindset of a man of God who was ready to meet his death - and his Saviour - with open arms.
In the 17th-century, Jesus appeared to a French nun and conveyed the love of His Sacred Heart for humanity. He wished for His Sacred Heart to be venerated and made nine promises to all who did. Here are those promises.
When St Margaret Mary Alacoque had visions of Jesus, He requested that people make acts of reparation for the sin of humanity that wound His Sacred Heart. Here is a prayer for an act of reparation.