15% Off Summer Reads

This summer, enjoy 15% off* our recommended short reads, to help you take time out with the Lord. Offer ends 4th August 2024.

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Litany of St Thérèse of Lisieux


Pray to the Little Flower, St Thérèse of Lisieux, with this inspiring litany that reminds us of the incredible life she lived, including her love for the Church, God and neighbour, and her dedication to praying for priests.

The Ordinary Holiness of a Family Who Became Heroes


The Blessed Ulma family died as heroes, having lost their lives due to hiding Jews from the Nazis, guided by their Christian faith in doing so. But prior to this tragic event, they lived unremarkable lives in a quiet Polish village. In this blog, discover how it was the ordinary holiness of the Ulmas that ultimately led to their heroic deeds and eventual martyrdom.

The Tragic Story of the Ulma Family


On 24th March 1944, in a once-peacful Polish village, a massacre took place. The Nazis came in the middle of the night to the home of the Ulma family, where among the sleeping inhabitants were Jews whom the Ulmas were hiding. All were killed, adults and children, Catholics and Jews. The whole of the Ulma family having now been beatified, be inspired by their story in this blog.

How to Share the Gospel in a Post-Modern World


When Christians today take up the task of spreading the Gospel, they will encounter a problem. How can the Gospel be preached to a world that claims to already know that there is no God and that faith is unreasonable? Here are five things to bear in mind when trying to share the Gospel in a post-modern world.

Elisabeth Leseur: Living the Faith in the Face of Atheism


Elisabeth Leseur's life was marked by adversity and moments of sorrow. Her husband had not only lost his faith but actively sought to destroy hers. Despite these challenges, Elisabeth steadfastly maintained her love for her husband and prayed ardently for him. In this blog, learn about the Servant of God who converted her husband posthumously through her secret spiritual diary.