15% Off Summer Reads

This summer, enjoy 15% off* our recommended short reads, to help you take time out with the Lord. Offer ends 4th August 2024.

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Prayers Before Mass


Since the Mass looks ordinary to our own eyes, we need the grace of God to help us to even begin to comprehend the beauty and treasure of what we are about to experience. These prayers before Mass assist us with asking God for this blessing.

10 Ways to More Fully Appreciate the Mass


When was the last time you walked out of Mass and felt truly different, knowing that what you have just experienced was something momentous and life-changing? It is very easy to go to Mass out of habit and to forget the significance of what we are participating in. Here we suggest ten ways that you can more fully appreciate the Mass, with the help of The CTS Sunday Missal 2024.

8 Ways to Approach Loved Ones Who Don’t Believe


Servant of God Elisabeth Leseur was surrounded by unbelief in 19th-century France. Her husband Felix was an atheist who sadly tried to destroy her faith, and her high society friends likewise mocked her faith. Drawing inspiration directly from Elisabeth's life, discover 8 ways to approach those who don't have faith.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About St Thérèse of Lisieux


There are certain facts about the life of St Thérèse of Lisieux that many people know. For example, stories are often shared of the early death of her mother to breast cancer; of her Christmas miracle which saw her temperament become less sensitive and more mature; of her early entry into Carmel; of her death to tuberculosis. But there is much more to the saint than these well-known facts. Discover some things you didn't know about this beloved saint in this blog.