15% Off Summer Reads

This summer, enjoy 15% off* our recommended short reads, to help you take time out with the Lord. Offer ends 4th August 2024.

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Stories of the Great War


The Great War brought the reality of modern conflict into the lives of a whole society. This blog collects some specifically Catholic experiences and responses.

A Chaplain’s Advice to Catholic Soldiers in World War II


In 1940, in the midst of the Second World War, an anonymous chaplain authored "At the Front: thoughts and prayers for the fighting forces". Here is an extract from these thoughts and prayers, containing four key points for Catholic soldiers, which many of us may still find helpful today.

St Martin of Tours – Saint of the Day – 11th November


St Martin of Tours was a young soldier who was riding his horse in the coldest part of the winter, when he met a beggar sitting at the side of the road by the city gate. He had nothing to give him, but in a moment of inspiration he drew his sword, cut his cloak in half, and gave one half to the beggar.