
Pope St John Paul II – Saint of the Day – 22nd October


From the beginning of his pontificate, Pope St John Paul II spoke to the heart of the faithful. ‘Do not be afraid’ he cried to the crowds gathered in Saint Peters’ Square, urging them (and the communists) to ‘Open wide the doors to Christ.’ He had a special message for young people, telling them: ‘You are the future of the world and the hope of the Church. You are my hope!’ (22 October 1978).

St Teresa of Avila – Saint of the Day – 15th October


One day, Teresa was travelling in bad weather along a muddy stream. Her carriage got stuck and she tumbled into the water with her belongings. As she complained to Jesus, he said: ‘That’s how I treat my friends’, and she replied promptly: ‘No wonder you have so few friends.’ This made her think. Precisely because Jesus had so few friends, Teresa felt they had to be good friends.