Keeping Your Faith During the Pandemic
The world is talking about physical health more than ever, but are we also thinking about our spiritual health? Whether you’re shielding or feel relatively unaffected by the pandemic, now is a great time to boost our spiritual health.
When we asked subscribers to our Blog Newsletter about the resources that had helped them the most during the pandemic, they told us it was mostly live-streaming, followed closely by prayer books, the Bible, and the Sunday Missal. We’re happy, therefore, to provide you with the resources that will help you through these uncertain times.
New on the Pandemic
Participate in the Mass From Home
If you're unable to get to Mass during this time, these resources will help you participate in a live-streamed Mass as best as you can from home.
When You Need Help Talking to God
Prayer books aren't only useful during the pandemic, but especially during these uncertain times, and while many are unable to get to Mass, prayer books are a useful tool for conversing with the Lord.
Finding Comfort in God's Word
Are you unable to receive the Eucharist, or receiving it less, and struggling with the absence? The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that "the Church has always venerated the Scriptures as she venerates the Lord's Body. She never ceases to present to the faithful the bread of life, taken from the one table of God's Word and Christ's Body." (CCC 103)