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What is the meaning of Ash Wednesday?


Why do Catholics receive ashes on their foreheads on Ash Wednesday? How should Ash Wednesday be observed? What does it mean to fast? How do parishes mark the beginning of Lent? Explore Catholic customs and traditions associated with Ash Wednesday in this blog post.

Why did Jesus die for you?


Catholics are taught from an early age that Jesus died for our sins, but I was His suffering and death necessary for our personal sins? By exploring the origins and consequences of sin, this blog explores why Jesus’ sacrifice was necessary.

What happened in Lourdes?


On 11th February 1858, a peasant girl called Bernadette Soubirous was collecting firewood when she noticed the presence of a Lady in the Grotto. The Lady would appear to her a total of 18 times. But what exactly happened in Lourdes during these 18 apparitions? Discover the story in this blog.

Why do I need to go to Confession?


Have you ever wondered why you need to go to confession, or why you can't just confess your sins directly to God without needing to confess to a priest? Here are answers to some of the most common questions about the Sacrament of Penance.