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Lent 2025
A Reflection on the Third Sunday of Advent – Year C
Discover the heart of Gaudete Sunday, a celebration of joy rooted in the life-giving presence of God. Drawing from the rich imagery of Zephaniah, Isaiah, and St Paul, this reflection unpacks how Advent joy is not merely a fleeting emotion but a profound gift that points to the Lord.
Holy Mary and the Death of Sin
While the modern world denies that it is in need of salvation, Mary's sinlessness awakes us to the fact that perfection only comes from God. This Advent, as we await the coming of God who became man to destroy the power of sin, meditate on the final line of the Hail Mary, "Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death."
A Reflection on the Second Sunday of Advent – Year C
St Bernard of Clairvaux spoke of Christ’s three comings: to humanity, into our hearts, and against sin. Today’s Gospel highlights these through John the Baptist’s proclamation, set against the backdrop of earthly rulers. This reflection contrasts their fleeting power with Christ’s eternal kingship, guiding us on the Advent journey towards His final return.
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