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The CTS Sunday Missal 2024

The ideal companion for the liturgical year, the CTS Sunday Missal 2024 features the Order of Mass and readings for all Sundays & Solemnities, all helpfully presented in calendar order.

The CTS Sunday Missal 2024

This paperback Sunday Missal for 2024 offers a practical and comprehensive solution for your Mass needs:

  • Masses and Readings for Every Sunday and Solemnity (UK & Ireland) in the 2024 liturgical year.
  • Coverage from the First Sunday of Advent in 2023 through to Christ the King in 2024.
  • Conveniently arranged in chronological order according to the calendar.
  • Inclusion of all significant feasts and seasons.
  • Side-by-side presentation of the Latin and English texts.
  • Thoughtful introductions by Pope Francis.
  • Musical accompaniments for the Mass.
  • Acts of Spiritual Communion for those unable to get to Mass.
  • Prayers from the saints for both before and after Holy Communion.
  • Prayers for before and after the Mass.
  • The complete Rite of Eucharistic Exposition & Benediction.

All of these essential components are thoughtfully compiled within a lightweight paperback volume, making it the ideal Sunday Missal for every Catholic to carry to Mass.

The CTS Sunday Missal is in stock and available to order now.

The CTS Sunday Missal 2024


The CTS Sunday Missal 2024 Catholic Truth Society

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10 Ways to More Fully Appreciate the Mass

When was the last time you walked out of Mass and felt truly different, knowing that what you have just experienced was something momentous and life-changing? It is very easy to go to Mass out of habit and to forget the significance of what we are participating in. Here we suggest ten ways that you can more fully appreciate the Mass, with the help of The CTS Sunday Missal 2024.

1. Read and Pray With the Mass Readings in Advance

When we go to Mass, we have the honour of encountering Christ Himself, who is present in our midst in His Word. We can hear God speak to us and guide us on our way to salvation. It is important then to get as much from the Mass readings as possible and a particularly helpful way to do that is to read and pray with the Mass readings in advance. Read the readings slowly and consider: what is God saying to me through this reading? Is there a particular word or phrase that stands out to you?

2. Pray Before Mass

Since the Mass looks ordinary to our own eyes, we need the grace of God to even begin to comprehend the beauty and treasure of what we are about to experience. That’s why it’s really important to pray before Mass, to ask God for His help. Here is one prayer found in The CTS Sunday Missal 2024:

O God, to whom every heart is open, every desire known and from whom no secrets are hidden; purify the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily praise your holy name. Amen.

Continue Reading: 10 Ways to More Fully Appreciate the Mass | CTS Blog