Why believe in the Christian God? Why not Zeus, Loki or Apollo?


What does it mean to profess belief in one God, as we do when we pray the Creed at Mass? Throughout history, humans have believed in different gods who were pleased by different actions. In this blog, James Matthew Wilson reflects on the first line of the Creed, "I believe in one God".

10 Ways to Read the Bible


The Bible is a letter from God to you, a book in which He speaks to you and gives you guidance, hope and encouragement. Pope Francis encourages us all, therefore, to read the Bible more often, so to help you develop a love for reading the Bible, here are ten ways you can read it.

St Joseph’s Role in the Infancy Narratives


We know so little about St Joseph, we don't even have a record of what he said. Yet though his role was quiet and in the background, we can be sure that he played an important role as the foster-father of Jesus and the spouse of Our Lady. Here is what we know about his marriage to Mary, his role in the birth of Jesus and in the life of his Foster Son.

St Andrew – Saint of the Day – 30th November


In the Gospels, Jesus’s disciples are often mentioned in groups of four, and Andrew is always in the first group. So, he was very close to Jesus. However, he seems to be the least of his group. He is always mentioned after his brother. Still, it was Andrew who met Jesus first, and then brought Peter to him (Jn 1:40-42). That gives a good idea of his entire career: like most of us he is not the first, not the most important, but he is a very faithful follower of Jesus. And he does not have a problem with this! Rather, he is happy to be with Jesus.