Our Lady and the New Evangelisation (ebook)

Donal Anthony Foley


The presence of Mary, Mother of God, in the New Evangelisation is as clearly discernible today as throughout Christian history, not least in her recognised apparitions and in papal teaching.

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History is rich with heroes and heroines, saints and martyrs, and the hidden and unknown, who have spread the Christian Gospel in good times and bad. How is this relentless and fruitful energy sustained? The timeless role of Mary, Mother of God, in this great work of evangelisation is uncovered here. As in the early Church, through to medieval and modern times, her presence today is clearly discernible in the New Evangelisation, – made clear in the messages revealed through her recognised apparitions, as well as in the teaching of recent popes.

Product details

Weight 0.048 kg
Dimensions 105 × 148 mm

Product Format Paperback
Pages 72
Publication Date 2015-09-01