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Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead answers big questions about life, God, and the world.

Looking Ahead: A Catholic Handbook for School Students

By: Catholic Truth SocietyThe Association of Catholic Women

Figuring out what it means to be a disciple of Christ as a young person today is tricky. If you think about it, you probably have a lot of questions: How am I supposed to know what’s true? Or know what to do? Who has the answers? Is it science? Is it the Bible? How does it all fit together? And what does it mean for my life? Looking Ahead answers big questions about life, God, and the world.

Full of useful information, quirky facts, assorted prayers, stories of saints and heroes, and beautiful illustrations, this is a book to help you make sense of your amazing calling to follow Jesus Christ.

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Looking Ahead

A Catholic Handbook for School Students

Looking Ahead: A Catholic Handbook for School Students Catholic Truth Society, The Association of Catholic Women

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What People Are Saying About Looking Ahead: A Catholic Handbook for School Students

“Enjoy this book, treasure it, share it with friends – and keep it handy so that it becomes a real companion in the years ahead.” – Archbishop John Wilson

“This is a wonderful gift to send our year 6 leavers on their way. Beautiful illustrations and lots of great information, knowledge and prayers to sustain their faith as they move on to the next stage of their lives.” – Mrs McRae Primary Head, Kent

“As a lay chaplain in a Catholic Secondary School, I am always looking for quality resources to recommend to our families which will help our students to better understand and deepen their faith. This well thought out, beautifully illustrated book would be an ideal gift or prize for a special occasion.” – Anna, Essex

“I thoroughly recommend this book as a supportive guide for young Catholics as they embark on their secondary school journey. The content will provide encouragement and will assist them as they navigate the challenges of starting a new school.” – Miss Webb Head of Theology, New Hall School

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