Lent is a season of penance of forty days before Easter, when Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and is traditionally a time of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving (which means giving away your money, resources or time). It is a time for spiritual renewal.
The final week of Lent is Holy Week, which begins with Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday. During this week, Christians remind themselves, in a special way, of the suffering and death of Jesus. Holy Week, at first, starts triumphantly. The people of that time welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem with great rejoicing. They spread palm branches and clothes at his feet. ‘Hosanna to the Son of David!’ They received Him like a king.
After Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem the mood changed dramatically. People who had hailed Him as king, called for His death only a few days later. Knowing what was to come, Jesus had one last supper with His disciples, where He made them and us a gift: He gives himself to us in bread and wine as they become His Body and Blood.
On Good Friday Christians walk with Jesus on his painful journey to Calvary, the place where Jesus was crucified. On Good Friday, the faithful listen to the Passion of Jesus and think of the painful path He walked.
The darkness of death is broken by the light of Christ is risen! Three days after the death of Jesus, on Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate His Resurrection. This Easter joy lasts for fifty days, culminating in Pentecost.