Anima Christi
Ask God to sanctify you with these aspirations.
Ask God to sanctify you with these aspirations.
This beautiful litany to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was written by St John Henry Newman. Join this great saint in honouring your mother with this litany.
Pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary with these beautiful meditations, based on the New Testament and Our Lady's message at Fatima.
"I would rather be one of your servants than have the whole world at my command; my ambition shall be to serve you, to bless you, to love you till my dying breath."
Are you searching for hope? Pray this Litany of Hope, part of the devotion to Our Lady of Silence, and bring your intentions to the Lord.
Meditate on the Glorious Mysteries of the rosary with these reflections written by St Josemaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei, in 1931.