Male, Female, Other?


Learn to respond to transgenderism with charity and clarity through Jason Evert’s thorough examination of the complex social and medical dimensions of gender theory.

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CTS Product Code: EX69Please refer to this code when ordering over the phone Categories: , , , , , , , , ISBN: 9781784697815
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In Male, Female, Other? Jason Evert provides a thoughtful and compassionate approach to one of the most divisive issues of our time – gender. With clarity and charity, Evert addresses the most common claims of gender theory:

"How many genders are there?"

"What if my daughter says she's trans?"

"Should I use someone’s preferred pronouns?"

“Does surgery prevent suicide?”

“Is gender a social construct?”

"Are puberty blockers safe?"

"What if I experience gender dysphoria?"

Through thoughtful, evidence-based responses, Evert helps readers approach sensitive conversations with understanding and empathy. Evert’s balanced approach fosters respectful dialogue, helping to bridge the divide between opposing views while staying true to Catholic teaching.

The expanded UK edition includes an Afterword by Stefan Kaminski, offering insight into the ways gender theory has shaped both society and medical practices across the Atlantic.

Product details

Weight 0.500 kg
Dimensions 127 × 203 mm
Subtitle A Catholic Guide to Understanding Gender
Product Format Paperback
Pages 264
Publication Date 2024-07-23