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Behold Your Mother

Peter Kahn


Behold Your Mother tells stories about ways the saints encountered Our Lady, not necessarily through the miraculous, but rather as their spiritual mother in everyday life, showing that any growth in our awareness of Mary’s presence and care for us deepens our relationship to Christ.

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CTS Product Code: D847Please refer to this code when ordering over the phone Categories: , , , , ISBN: 9781784697563
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"When God provides our necessities through Mary’s hands, then we become more affectionate towards our spiritual mother, and our trust in God grows."

What is it like to have a close relationship with Mary, the Mother of God? Our Lady is the spiritual mother of all Christians, but it is the saints who know her best. 

This book tells stories about ways the saints encountered Our Lady, not necessarily through the miraculous, but rather as their spiritual mother in everyday life. 

The saints’ experience shows us that any growth in our awareness of Mary’s presence and care for us deepens our relationship to Christ. It is their testimony that an ever-deepening relationship with the Mother of God is a path to sanctity.

Reflecting on the wisdom of the saints who so loved Our Lady shows that this path through Marian devotion to holiness is one open to all Christians. She is our mother and she seeks always to lead us to her beloved son, Jesus.

Product details

Weight 0.112 kg
Dimensions 127 × 178 mm

Subtitle Learning to Love Mary With the Saints
Product Format Paperback
Pages 94
Publication Date 2023-05-11

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