How to Overcome Distraction in Prayer
Overcoming the distractions that prevent us from praying well.
How to Overcome Distraction in Prayer
£3.95 – A6 Paperback
Prayer can be a struggle. Whether it’s because of busyness at work or school, the chores and clamour of family life, intrusive worries and anxieties, or ever-present digital distractions. Many of us struggle to form a habit of prayer. Fr Ed Broom is here to help Catholics learn to pray. In this book, he teaches us to recognise the causes of distraction in our lives and gives simple, practical advice on how to overcome them so we can speak to God with our whole heart and mind.
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How to Overcome Distraction in Prayer
Obstacles to Prayer: Frequently Asked Questions
Do you ever struggle to pray? Perhaps you have difficulties staying focused with ADHD, or finding time to pray in a busy schedule. Or maybe you’ve experienced dryness in prayer or found you have nothing to say when you come to pray. In this blog, explore some common obstacles to prayer and discover how to overcome them, with the help of Fr Ed Broom, OMV, extracted from How to Overcome Distraction in Prayer.
“I can’t pray because I have ADHD. I literally cannot sit still or focus my mind.”
Admittedly, that is difficult, but be assured that you can pray, and you will be able to follow most of my Ten-Step Programme, even with ADHD. I want to encourage you with this thought: Our Lady of Fatima appeared to three shepherd children in 1917 and told them that souls are going to hell because there is no one to pray and suffer for them. So, each day, offer your prayer and the sufferings you experience with ADHD to Our Blessed Mother for the saving of souls. Only in heaven will you know how many souls were saved because of you.
You just need to find ways to pray that work for you. Here is some helpful advice. To begin with, if you make no other prayer at all, beg Jesus for the grace to pray. That is a prayer in itself, and it is very pleasing to Jesus. Second, develop strategies to “distract your distractions”.
Pray while taking a walk, and if you notice the beauty of nature while walking, that in itself is a prayer of praise. Do you need something in your hands, such as a rosary? That’s perfectly fine. Think of holding the rosary beads in your hand as holding the hand of Mary! Maybe you need to have a short prayer to bring you back the very instant you notice your mind wandering or notice yourself starting to do something besides praying. Something as simple as, “Lord, I love you; help me to pray” or, “Mother Mary, pray for me” will do. If you have to pray these a thousand times, that is very pleasing to Jesus and Mary. Above all, keep going, and do not be discouraged. Jesus is very pleased with you and your efforts, and he will shower you with graces.