This Feast celebrates the three archangels named in Sacred Scripture, reminding us of the angelic world and of their constant ministrations to the world. St Michael is captain of the heavenly army, St Gabriel announced the births of both Jesus and St John the Baptist, and St Raphael took care of Tobias in the book of Tobit.
Have you ever wondered what angels really are? Often depicted in art as cherubic children with wings, or associated with the saints, this blog seeks to discover the truth about these incredible creatures, from the archangels to guardian angels.
St Vincent de Paul who, according to legend, endured a period of captivity in Tunis; at any rate, after being falsely accused of theft, he dedicated himself to evangelizing the poor, the unfortunate and the suffering.
Pray with childlike confidence to your Heavenly Mother, knowing that she cares not just for your spiritual needs but your material needs, with this prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour for financial help.
Padre Pio bore the wounds of Christ’s passion on his body and became famous for his ministry in the confessional, his spiritual direction and his miracles. In 1956 he opened the ‘Home to Relieve Suffering’ near his friary. Despite his popularity, he faced much opposition, even from Church authorities.