Sacred Heart Novena – Day 1
Pray the first day of the Sacred Heart Novena.
Pray the first day of the Sacred Heart Novena.
Pray to Our Lady of Fatima with this litany based on the Fatima message, asking her to sanctify the clergy, to make Catholics fervent, and help us to resist temptation.
Ask Our Lady to undo the "knots" in your lives with this powerful prayer to Our Lady, Untier of Knots. "Mother charged by God with untying the “knots” of the lives of your children, I place the ribbon of my life in your hands..."
Did you know that you can consecrate yourself to St Joseph? Perhaps you have previously consecrated yourself to Our Lady, but of all the saints St Joseph comes closest to her in both virtue and power. Consecrate yourself to St Joseph to turn to him with all your heart to seek to become more like Jesus. Here are six reasons from the saints to consecrate yourself to Jesus' beloved foster father.
Ask St Joseph, patron of the Church and great protector of Jesus, to protect you today with this powerful prayer against the powers of darkness.
Pope Benedict XVI encouraged us to go deeper in our prayer life using a classical method, lectio divina. The late pontiff strongly exhorted followers of Christ to utilise the Word of God as fertile ground for delving into the depths of prayer. This blog sets out the steps the Holy Father suggested to motivate us to never tire in growing in our union with God through a deeper prayer life.