15% Off Summer Reads

This summer, enjoy 15% off* our recommended short reads, to help you take time out with the Lord. Offer ends 4th August 2024.

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How to Develop Intimate Friendship with Jesus in Prayer


Jesus is calling each of us to enter into deep friendship with Him in prayer. To establish this intimate friendship with Jesus, spend one hour a day with Him and He will bless the other twenty-three hours of your day! Why do we do this? Because it is Jesus who is calling us to Himself so that we can avoid sin and practise virtue and He can help us through the trials and sufferings of this life until we rejoice with Him for ever in heaven! Find guidance for this daily hour with Jesus in this blog.

Obstacles to Prayer: Frequently Asked Questions


Do you ever struggle to pray? Perhaps you have difficulties staying focused with ADHD, or finding time to pray in a busy schedule. Or maybe you've experienced dryness in prayer or found you have nothing to say when you come to pray. In this blog, explore some common obstacles to prayer and discover how to overcome them, with the help of Fr Ed Broom, OMV.