Prayer for Financial Help to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour

Pray with childlike confidence to your Heavenly Mother, knowing that she cares not just for your spiritual needs but your material needs, with this prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour for financial help.

Mary, our Mother, we know that you are our Perpetual Help, not only in our spiritual need but in our material need as well. With humble heart and childlike confidence we beg you to help us in our dire need, since we cannot meet our just debts. Dear Mother, we are not asking for wealth or prosperity, but merely for help in satisfying our pressing obligations. You are the Queen of heaven and earth and as such, the dispenser of so many favours granted by your Son, Jesus. We know you are most kind and generous to all your devoted children. Loving Mother, we plead with you to obtain the financial help we so desperately need in our present situation. We thank you, dear Mother, and promise to make your Perpetual Help known far and wide. Amen.

This prayer is extracted from our book Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. The devotion’s history is here explained and accompanied by a rich collection of appropriate prayers, litanies and novenas, for private and communal use.

For more prayers in times of need, and to learn more about this devotion, order your copy of Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour today.