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Litany of Hope

Are you searching for hope? Pray this Litany of Hope, part of the devotion to Our Lady of Silence, and bring your intentions to the Lord.

Litany of Hope

Lord have mercy Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy Lord have mercy
Christ hear us Christ hear us
Christ graciously hear us Christ graciously hear us
God, the Father in heaven have mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the world have mercy on us
Holy Spirit, the paraclete have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, one God have mercy on us

Holy Mary pray with us
Holy Mother of God pray with us
Mary, Our Lady of Silence pray with us
Mary, Our Lady who listens pray with us
Mary, Tabernacle of the Most High pray with us
Mary, meek and humble Virgin pray with us
Mary, Bride of the Holy Spirit pray with us
Mary, Mother of the living pray with us
May, Mother of humanity pray with us
Mary, faithful Virgin pray with us
Mary, Immaculate Virgin pray with us
Mary, Mother of mercy pray with us
Mary, Teacher of the spiritual life pray with us
Mary, Lady most beautiful pray with us
Mary, the Lord’s humble servant pray with us
Mary, obedient disciple pray with us
Mary, prayerful Virgin pray with us
Mary, pilgrim of faith pray with us
Mary, door of hope pray with us
Mary, model of charity pray with us
Mary, Mother of tenderness pray with us
Mary, Virgin of bounty pray with us
Mary, Virgin of gratitude pray with us
Mary, Mother of our peace pray with us
Mary, most holy pray with us
Mary, Mother of “Great Joy” pray with us
Mary, Mother of the Incarnate Word pray with us
Mary, Mother most humble pray with us
Mary, Mother of the Christ pray with us
Mary, shining icon of the Church pray with us
Mary, faithful Lady under the cross pray with us
Mary, Mother of infinite sweetness pray with us
Mary, Star of the sea pray with us
Mary, channel of grace pray with us
Mary, Virgin of Nazareth pray with us
Mary, Lady of the Magnificat pray with us
Mary, Our Lady of Holy Saturday pray with us
Mary, Mother of consolation pray with us
Mary, Mother of Carmel pray with us
Mary, Mother of the Church pray with us
Mary, Queen of all the saints pray with us
Mary, Queen of peace pray with us
Mary, Queen of families pray with us

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world
forgive us O Lord
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world
hear us O Lord
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world
have mercy on us.
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God.
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

This litany is extracted from our book Our Lady of Silence. In the Vatican offices is an icon of Mary with her finger pressed to her lips called Our Lady of Silence. This icon, which promotes listening to God and not speaking ill of others, is explained here, accompanied by a rich selection of devotions.

For more on this devotion, which is beloved by Pope Francis, order your copy of Our Lady of Silence now.