Lectionary: Pre-Order Discount

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Helping Students Find Christ

Each year, the CTS gives away hundreds of books, booklets and leaflets to university chaplains both at home and abroad.

CTS is helping University Chaplains reach out to those lacking faith.

“Having tangible resources like CTS booklets has been vital in both helping me understand the Faith, but also in equipping me to have informed discussions with non-believers.”

Anna, recent graduate

Each year, the CTS gives away hundreds of books, booklets and leaflets to university chaplains both at home and abroad.

With your help, we plan to do even more. We’re working on plans to produce new content – both online and in print – aimed directly at supporting Catholic students through this most challenging and formative time in their lives.

Fr Peter, a university chaplain in the North of England told us:

“I’m very grateful for the CTS’s invaluable ministry.

The free booklets are always appreciated, and I’m often surprised to see students still using them three years later to help with their conversations with non-believers or curious friends.

The catechetical material from CTS and its devotional and liturgical materials complete our ministry.”

From all of us at the CTS, and from the bottom of our hearts – thank you for your support of our mission. Your help is ensuring a legacy of evangelisation and deepening faith in one of the most challenging environments for the Church today.

Click here to support the work of CTS